Monday, 17 October 2016

The Washburn Valley

Happy Monday!

The Autumn is well and truly underway, and as the trees continue their cycle from Green leafy abundance to vibrant loveliness it was great to be able to get out into the sunshine this weekend. My search continues for my final year development project, and this weekend I spent quite a lot of time around the Swinsty and Fewston reservoirs near Blubberhouses (great name!). I visited the Washburn Valley Heritage centre which is located within the church of St. Michael and St. Lawrence, Fewston.
There is a lovely little cafe serving hot drinks and homemade baking. It's location close to Swinsty is fabulous for an afternoon out. The Church originates from 1697 and is Grade 2 listed. There is an abundance of local historical information to be had in regards to this area, and the longer I spent here, the more I fell in love with it..

My travels also took me farther afield to Dob Park, Timble, in search of the old Hunting Lodge which is now a ruin. It took me quite a while to find and I had to don waterproofs and wellies, and traverse through mizzle, heather, fields and bogs to get close up to it. It was worth it, the building is just a shell but what remains is part ruin. It is very atmospheric and has an almost romantic air about it. The surrounding countryside is awash with rust coloured heather and fern, Pheasant and Grouse and the odd glimpse of the reservoirs. The area is dotted with moss coloured stone walls and vibrant vegetation such as the picture book Red and White spotty mushrooms I saw near the banks of Fewston reservoir.

                                               A beautiful stone wall near Swinsty reservoir

      The Washburn Heritage Centre and Old Vicarage.

                          Detail of pretty cross stitch work from previous inhabitants of the vicarage.

                               The aisle, Church of St. Michael and St. Lawrence, Fewston. 
                                   Colour infiltrates through the stained glass windows.

                                   Simple yet stunning coloured glass windows near the altar.

                                     A cup of tea and Bara Brith at the Heritage Centre cafe.

                                 The Church of St. Micheal and St. Lawrence, Fewston. 1697. 

            Amanita Muscaria near the shores of Swinsty. Almost picture book perfect, I half expected to                                                                                                             see a pixie sitting underneath!

                                  The colourful Autumnal countryside of the Washburn Valley.

           The Old Hunting Lodge, Dob Park, very atmospheric! See Swinsty and the 'Golf Balls' of the  American listening post faintly in the background.

Interior detail, windows, doors, a fireplace and internal staircase are visible

        Beecroft Barn near Timble, a Grade II listed barn in need of refurbishment..could this be the one!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

My Weekend..

At the weekend I took a stroll around my home town. The falling leaves on the sun dappled stray made lovely viewing. I had brunch sitting by the window of Betty's which I love for it's Victorian heritage and Art Nouveau influenced interior (and nifty poached eggs!). I bought a retro syle clock for a bargain price of £2. I also spent quite a lot of time reading and planning for my final year. Here are some books/ journal's I am currently reading..

The Old Victorian Coach House

At the weekend I finally got around to visiting an old Victorian Coach house in Harrogate which has recently seen a full refurbishment programme. It is owned by a friend and her husband who are both Physiotherapists and whom wanted to use the space for office usage whilst been very close to home. It's is a beautiful and charismatic building and it is great to see that it has been sympathetically restored whilst offering a contemporary, light filled office space. It dates  back to circa 1890. Here are a few pics and also some of an adjacent coach house still waiting some tlc! Anyone?..

Friday, 7 October 2016

In search for a building...

OK -  my major project requires me to seek and find a commercial building which I can then reconfigure and carry out a theoretical interior design programme on. I am a little late in the day starting but I decided to start here in my home town of Harrogate. After all it is a beautiful Victorian Spa town with a real mix of period and modern buildings. I didn't have to wander too far to find some truly beautiful buildings, below are just a few: The  Masonic Hall, The Library, Victoria House and the Council buildings in Crescent Gardens.

 I am still waiting to hear back from my contact at HBC as to whether I can gain access to the properties and to the floor plans. Watch this space...all things crossed X


..and welcome to my blog. 

I am a mature (not entirely sure exactly when that happened?)  student studying for a BA (Hons) degree in Interior Design at Harrogate College. I am in my  3rd and final year (the one that counts!! eek). I am also a mum to 2 boys, aged almost 5 and 7. I worked as a food technologist for over 15 years within large food companies and latterly for a large retailer before leaving to take some time off to have children. (Time off is the incorrect terminology by the way, there was no 'time off' to be had). 

That said, time out can be a dangerous (and a useful) thing as it gives you time to sit back and contemplate what exactly you are doing with your life. I have always loved design, whether it be in Art, Fashion, Interiors, Architecture etc..yet felt I wasn't really involved in any kind of design career. I had recently extended and renovated my family home in Harrogate and this give me some practical experience to apply my creative side. I had some really complimentary feedback and it was then that I decided that I wanted to progress with a change in career. Exciting and quite frankly frightening at the same time. 

It didn't take me long to realise I had made the right choice. 

A long with Interior Design my interests are travel, food and wine, and yoga.

So here I am, and would like to share the journey of my final year with you. My inspiration, thoughts, challenges and anything else apparent.

I hope you enjoy,
